Rename Service Group in R80.10

Recently i encountered issue whereby renaming of service group in R80.10 is not possible.

Why would i want to rename it? it is because there is a domain in provider-1 called Web which coincidentally match with service group in R80.10 called Web.

This caused issue with name uniqueness and to make it worse, the name of the CMA is also called Web.

Although the issue does not seem to affect much however in order to get rid of it, have decided to go for this approach as a workaround as editing service group is not possible even with dbedit.

Hence the workaround approach is:

1. Perform migrate export from particular CMA

2. Delete the domain from the pre R80.10

3. Create a new domain that does not have same name as Web

4. Create CMA. Do take note as Checkpoint before R80 has issue with creation of ICA after 25th Jan 18. Workaround -> set the date earlier than January 25th 18. If not the creation of CMA will failed.

5. Ensure CMA is not started as need to import CMA else it will failed. Set the date back to current date.

6. Go inside the specific CMA and delete the secondary management server object. If not the creation of secondary CMA will failed with error message.

7. Create secondary CMA

8. Re-assign global policy if there is any

9. Test everything is OK. SIC should be fine even with hostname change on CMA as the ICA is inside provider-1 (MDS) container

10. Performed R80.10 export on pre R80.10 provider-1 server and import.

11. Name uniqueness error disappeared.


*ensure licenses get exported*



Anthony S.K

Rename Service Group in R80.10

Find zombies processes in Checkpoint

In certain scenario, certain checkpoint process causes some zombies process to appear because the parent process terminate unexpectedly thus causing the child process to be not able to reach out to parents and leave “hanging” thus become zombies.

In such situation, sometimes there is a need to kill the parent process to eliminate all the child process which become zombies.

Use this command – ps -l | grep <process name> and it will list down the process together whether such process has become zombie or defunct.

Look for third and fourth column. Third column refer to PID (Process ID) and the fourth column refer to PPID (Parent process ID).

To terminate it use kill -9 <process ID> and see if the zombies process still appear in either ps -aux | grep defunct

or top command and look for zombies


Find zombies processes in Checkpoint